Here are some pictures taken throughout the Holidaze... yes, holidaze. They always fly by so fast I feel dizzy. This first picture was from a fun night w/ friends at the beginning of December. Before I knew it, Stephanie and I were in Charlotte for New Years. It was a fantastic holiday season for me. I'm glad I was able to capture a few of the great memories made on film. I hope your holidaze were filled with fun, family, fellowship and happiness too. Enjoy.
Girls Night Out w/ Steph, Hettie and Dizzle
Girls Night In by the tree w/ Annalee
One of my favorite traditions, Cheesecake Factory on Christmas Eve w/ friends and family. Here I'm with two of my favorite fellas ever, Jere and DJ
My dress for Christmas Eve, a gift from Jere (from Anthropologie)
The Cheesecake Factory tradition has been alive for many years. Above, the originals...Jere, Rebecca, Me (Stevi) and Stacy... Re and Stac are like our sisters <3
With my lady love, Steph, in Charlotte on New Year's Eve Eve... we got a lil crunk that night too.
And... NYE in Charlotte with my great friends (Tabitha here) and WIDESPREAD PANIC!
2011 was a crazy year for this girl. Lots of ups and downs... mostly ups. I'm pleased with it. I'm really looking forward to 2012 and all that it has in store for me though. Thanks for taking time to flashback through the holiday season with me. I hope everyone had as great a season as I did. I'm blessed with wonderful people in my life that make it that much better.