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Thursday, September 13, 2012

An Instasummer Flashback

Here's an INSTAlook at some of my crazy, hot, exciting, AWESOME summer...

After a 3 year hiatus from it, I finally made it back to bonnaroo and I had a blast...

On nights I was in town (mostly during the week) I spent time crafting and hanging with friends...

And, during my work week, I had fun times too.. I work w/ some really fun girls...

I vacationed with the rents...

My honey came too... 

Celebrated my bday w/ friends and my birthday twin (up top)

Fun photo shoot in the fantastic dress my friend, Travis, gave me for my bday.
Silk. Calvin Klein. Sample. Perfect fit. Obsessed.

Then it was my boo's birthday.. I made him a little DIY wrapping paper...

We both like to be outside, active and together... It makes for lots of fun, like camping...

and, finding random art on the side of the road as we explore...
I got to see my cousins, who I never see... This pretty girl's bro got married.  Great night.
Then, a few weeks ago, Sheri showed up.. She's good at that, surprising me!
Well, there's a broad & vague recap of some summer highlights.  There were many more fun times had... some even captured on Instagram.  But, those are for another day.  I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer.  This one has been one for the books for this girl.  Having a ball and I think I'll continue enjoying myself!  Thanks for reading!