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Monday, December 20, 2010

LOVEd jewelry

Pamela Love is a huge inspiration to me. She has a good eye for simple yet freakin' awesome pieces of jewelry. I posted pictures of her done for The Selby last month. Check that out to see how awesome she is not only w/ her jewelry making skills but in real life. Pamela reminds me a lot of myself in our personal styles and love for all things natural.
Silver Breast Plate Necklace
Double Cage Ring
Moon Cuffs
Quartz Tribal Necklace

You can find any of these four pieces plus many more at
You will also find other great jewelry designers as well as clothing and shoes. As a jewelry maker myself, I'm always looking for inspiration and ideas. Pamela Love is very much an inspiration in my life both w/ jewelry and style.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Monday afternoon.

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