"My, my, my I'm so happy, I'm gonna join the band, We are gonna dance and sing in celebration, We are in the promised land."
Led Zeppelin of course
Outfit: cardi-Express (on sale yesterday), dress- no name & borrowed from a friend a while back, shoes- two lips, sunnies- UO, jewelry- vintage, ATL market and pendant from www.lunarearth.com have you guys checked out that site yet??? I've told you to a bunch.. go do it!!!
Me and Mr. Hoot!
Me and Mr. Hoot!
This fake owl was just chillin' in the tree near where we took my photos today. Jere was way too cool about it. I was like WTF is that owl doing there!!!?? Anways, I didn't mention this yesterday b/c I was doing a weekend post and well it just didn't fit w/ the content or.. whatever. But, I passed my test on Monday!!! Booyah!! I hadn't studied much for it but crammed on Sunday night and Monday morning (taking me back to my college daze.. i mean days). Those little session paid off and I passed. Raise for Steves! Oh yea! :)
AND... Big AND... I'm not sure if I've mentioned this but a million times but AMBER IS COMING TO TOWN TOMORROW!!!! I've been anxiously waiting for this weekend and next for months now. They are finally here! YAY!! I know like all fun weekends they will fly by but at least I have two. I'm so excited to see her pretty face and go to the beach to watch her get married. It's agonna be AWESOME! They fly in tomorrow night and I am hosting a party for them on Friday! So fun! I'll take good pics this time!! I'm getting better w/ the Nikon!
Well, I guess that's enough gushing and rambling for now. I hope everyone is having a lovely week! I am I tell you. Much less stressful than last week. Oh, and those who of you who know about the cadi's second breakdown in two months.. She's good now! We got her fixed yesterday. Sigh!
Thanks for reading lovelies!!