"Just one thing I ask of you, Just one thing for me.. Please forget you knew my name, my darlin, Sugaree." Grateful Dead :)
Glad to get back to my semi-normal blog routine. I've been dressed pretty cute all week. But, I forgot my USB cord and my camera was dying for two days. So, finally I got some good pics together to post. I layered pretty well today (cardigan and jacket over this sweater). It was like 35 degrees though.. So, I still froze my ass of taking these pictures. I'm also wearing my mom's vintage shoulder pad camisole. You can't tell very well in the pics. I love it! Extra warmth and a little shoulder lift... groovy! HA!!
I hope this cold weather goes away really soon though!! I'm tired of it. All I can do is look at spring collections and pics from other blogs w/ spring clothing. I'm ready! Spring is probably my favorite season. It feels nice all the time outside, starts getting dark later, good music all around and everyone seems to be in a better mood.. They aren't freezing anymore I guess. This has been the coldest winter I've had in Alabama in I don't know how long. BLAH!!!
Well, after 3 posts I'm tired of blogging for a bit... I hope you enjoy the photos I've shared today. Thank you to any and everyone who reads this. It's nice to know people out there enjoy it. I love sharing and reading other's blogs. I've found some real inspirations out there in blog world! LOL so funny, blog world.. It exists!!
Have a great week! Lots of Love!
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